4389: Wooden Handled Folding Knife
Add Prop
5311: Brass Spray Can / Atomiser
3518: Assorted Cogs
4390: Wooden Handled Crimping Tool
5243: Large Lead-Working Mallet
4406: Cast Iron Pump
5079: Architects Drawing Kit
5245: Set Of Pewter Liquid Measures
3745: Stack of Graduated Seives
4351: Clockwork Mechanism
5247: Lead Counter Weights
2787: Milk Separating Bath
823: Mercer Dial Depth Gauge
1202: Antique Gas Heater
1398: Large copper crucible
1400: Large copper crucible
1429: Cast iron beam pump
1430: Cast iron beam pump
1431: Pedal operated flywheel
1432: Grappling hook
1434: Crates of bottles
1435: Gas regulator
1449: Vintage boiler.
1513: Large iron measuring bucket
1514: Large galvanised bucket with lid
1515: Vintage fire extinguishers
1516: Wood and leather bellows
1517: Large glass flagons in crates
1518: Vintage butter churner
1519: Gear-head pulley machinery
1520: Large book press
1523: Copper boiler
1524: Old copper boiler
1525: Large water recepticle
1526: Large metal receptacle
1528: Small wooden locker
1529: Small wooden stepladder
1530: Galvanised watering can
1531: Cleavers
1532: Machetes
1533: Ceremonial weapon
1534: Gravedigger's spade
1535: 2 Handled cleaver
1536: Woodworking saws
1537: Vintage box planes
1538: Vintage spoke shave
1539: Woodworking squares
1540: Vintage wood chisels
1541: Woodworking cramps
1542: Vintage woodworking tools
1543: Hacksaws
1544: Vintage spirit level
1545: Wooden measuring cups
1546: Vintage sifters
1548: Hot water can
1549: Oil can
1573: Copper urn
1574: Fuel/oil dispenser
1575: Copper urn
1576: Copper kettle/urn
1577: Copper steam generators
1578: Lubricant dispenser
1579: Metal flasks
1580: Large copper jug
1581: Vintage irons
1583: Oil can
1584: Small oil can
1585: Fuel can
1588: Metal measuring cups
1590: Large iron kettle
1595: Bakelite tape measure
1610: Kent's knife cleaner
1618: Pressure gauges
1630: Scales
1636: Wooden chest
1639: Pressure gauge
1641: Gallon demijohns
1642: Half gallon demijohn
1643: Pressure gauge
1644: Glass flagon in basket
1645: Sewing machine
1668: Fume mask
1681: Lead radiation shielding
1723: Royal Mail strongbox
1833: Vintage microtome
1930: Industrial apparatas
1935: Measuring cups
1953: Electric desk fan
1983: Vintage bow saw
2032: Routing Tool
2077: Vintage Safe Time Lock
3619: Vintage Hand Pump
3985: Pressure Gauge On Stand
3999: Iron Crucible (each)
4090: Vernier Gauge
4113: Vintage Saw (priced individually)
4447: Vintage Pressure Gauge
4448: Precision Time Interval Meter
4449: Tapley Brake Testing Meter
4450: Vintage Clocking-In Machine
4453: Sturdy I strument Case
4461: Small Pump Unit
4528: Stack of Small Graduated Sieves
4769: Clinometer
4797: Welding Goggles
4798: Vintage Leather Welding Goggles
4884: Wooden Mallet
4885: Wooden Fid For Rope Splicing
4886: Old Claw Hammer
4887: Selection Of Fake Rubber Tools (priced individually)
4888: Lead Soldering Tool
4889: Lead Shaping Tool
4903: Clocking-in Machine
4904: Clocking-in Machine
5021: Metal Oil Can
5022: Steam Kettle
5023: Brass And Copper Lubricator
5024: Vintage Oil Can
5043: Dial Depth Gauge On Stand
5171: Iron Stand
5174: Boxwood Treen Of Clockmakers Tools
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